Tennis Club
Dear Friends of
Maryvale Tennis Club
Welcome to the 2025 Season
of our Club. Maryvale Tennis Club is one of twenty that is
Scarborough Tennis Federation (STF). Our 3 courts were completely
rebuilt in the spring of 2011 (base raised, new surface paint, new
chain-linked fencing, and new flood lights). When activated our
floodlights could stay on until 11 pm every night.
Opening Date
Play will begin as soon as the weather allows, but usually in April.
Open House
Please check our WEBSITE in the Spring for further information’.
Please fill in a
membership application making your cheque (payable to: Maryvale
Tennis Club) and posting to our Treasurer: Joe Campbell, 81
Jonesville Cres., Toronto, M4A 1H2 or give cash/cheque to any
executive on court.
Include your street address, postal code, e-mail address and
phone # on the form. The membership fees are the same as listed on this link. Membership Fees
When are court times restricted...
Our courts are normally reserved for league play usually on alternate Wednesday evenings or when weather makes this impossible, another evening. Schedule will be posted.
For membership information
Please contact our Director of Membership
Guy Whitehead tel. 416-449-7875.
See you on court!
The City of Toronto has issued a permit to
Maryvale Tennis Club to operate a tennis club
on these courts.
Anyone may become a member of the club by
paying a fee to join the club. Members may
play anytime with no additional cost.
Non-members may play for free during
public hours ..
Saturday & Sunday from 12-3pm
Public Holidays From 12-3pm
The City of Toronto has authorized Maryvale
Tennis Club to charge a fee to non-members
wishing to play outside of public hours. That
fee is $5 per day per person. Guests paying
the fee may play as much as they wish that
day, between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Any member of Maryvale Tennis Club may
collect the fee from a guest.
Anyone who pays a guest fee may deduct that
amount from their membership fee if they
decide to join the club later on.
Directions To MaryVale Tennis Club